Counselling Psychotherapy Psychoanalysis

What makes us tick, what makes us love or hate, and what drives us to live our lives in the way we do, but not always want to?

When it feels like something went wrong, it is important to find out, when, or why, or with whom it did.

Counselling, psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis – they all create in their different ways a confidential and safe space to address questions about your passions and desires, and about your dreams and nightmares, in order to explore how you got where you are now.

And if you suspect that being unhappy has deep down something to do with you and who you are or who you want to be, or whom you want to be with, or with what you don’t know about yourself when you have come to a crossroad in your life, then this is a crucial first step into the right direction. From there we can embark.